Today I have rather a lot of time on my hands as I'm once more in bed. This time I have managed to avoid the Shingles, Calcific Tendinitis and Food Poisoning (Not my cooking!) and am happy to announce that it was a tumble down the staircase at home from top to bottom.
The reason I am happy is that I didn't brake any bones so feel as though I should find the silver lining in this particular cloud.
My staring role as Humpty Dumpty was on Saturday when setting out to go to Boots the Chemist for some supplies. Never before as an adult, have I cried after experiencing an accident; this time however I was sobbing, even if it was dry sobs. Yet again my lack of vocabulary when it comes to curse words let me down. I am reliably informed that a good hearty string of blood curdling, toe curling curse words punctuated by the odd profanity does wonders for relieving pain instantaneously.
My time with Calcific Tendinitis was equally marred by the lack of a good solid four letter knowledge. Table, foot and Spud don't have the same ring nor the inherent pain relief. Anyway here I am five days later sitting on my bed watching BBC iPlayer and catching up with all sorts of programs I missed due to lack of time before. I also have a right ankle that is twice the size of my left one.
Trying to rest downstairs on the sofa doesn't work as B tends to be mooching round in the Kitchen, Dinning Room or Garden and shouts out "How does this work?" or "Can you check this for me?" So I end up hobbling to investigate or clarify something resulting in ooddles of pain. Reflex catching of onions falling out of cupboards or tubs of Spread cascading out of the fridge is excruciatingly painful and reminds you why a Doctor often recommends "Bed" rest as opposed to just "Rest" when people are injured.
So upstairs and hiding from the unforeseen occurrences that are just waiting to befall me, I am watching a lot of food related programs. One of these is the cookery series which sees Nigel Slater turn his weekly shop into a number of delicious dishes. In the first one he shows ways to cook with an abundance of ingredients. This got me thinking about my Christmas present downstairs waiting to be wrapped and put under the tree. It's Nigel's new book Kitchen Diaries II.

B has been watching the programs live on TV but I have missed them, so was a little surprised when he started asking for a dish I have never cooked for him before. The more B talked about the dish the more he included other dishes being showcased in the program. His memory for the technical aspects of the various dishes and their creation hit me as unusual. I do all the cooking in the house so cooking tecniques have never been top of the agenda when it comes to our chats on car journies. The chat then turned into "You would like the new book for Christmas" a statement of fact, rather than a question of "Would you like?"B is not a cook and is more likely to watch Real Madrid or Man United play football than a cookery program, so I let him buy me the book and will try to produce what he wants from it. A lollypop stick has more chance against a tsunami than me when it comes to this particular recipe. It WILL be cooked and I WILL have the book whether I like it or not.
There are worse things to give into than a cookery book, so I am very happy to oblige. As the book is for Christmas and the recipie yet unmade. B's hankering after the meal in question has not gone away. This has resulted in an odd thing. B has taken to buying me Recipie Books all week. I now not only have a copy of Kitchen Diaries II but also a copy of How To Bake by Paul Hollywood and a copy of Step-by-Step Baking by Caroline Bretherton produced by Dorling Kindersley.
The Paul Hollywood book is by one of the Judges on The Great British Bake Off and looks very interesting.

The DK book has just the best range of photographs a cook could want when it comes to learning a new recipe or technique. so I am going to have a super time dipping into the books and cooking for us both when the swelling of my ankle has gone down.

Am I lucky or what? The Recipe that has been causing all the culinary stir in my home is a Date and Bacon Buttie

I think I can knock one of those up for B when I am back on my feet.
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