Remember the start of Torchwood created by Russell T Davies, and how it all began? Fresh faces and new characters that were going to put a twist on the Dr Who series. Well imagine our pleasure to find out that not only was it going to be filmed here in Cardiff but the story was also going to be set in our great city as well.
Most people knew who Captain Jack was, due to following Dr Who, but the other characters were all going to be new.

One of the characters we were introduced to was
Ianto, played by Gareth David-Lloyd who to put it bluntly seemed to be a little light in the dynamic all singing all dancing department, when compared to Captain Jack, Gwen or even the main characters we all grew to love when watching Dr Who.
What few of us were prepared for was how Ianto would grow on us all and develop as a character in his own right.
Few of us were prepared for how he left the series this year in the week long run of "
Children of Earth" that we were all addicted to. To watch Ianto die in Captain Jacks Arms as they both lay on the floor in front of the tank containing the ambassador of the "456".

Well fast forward to the present day in the "real world" of Cardiff Bay and take a walk to the front of the "Tourist Information Shop" front that serves as the main entrance for Torchwood and there you will see a shrine dedicated to Ianto by fans of the show. Over the weeks since the series aired the shrine as grown. The photo on the left was taken a few months ago when it was just starting. Last time I went past and the site was full of mementos, photos, flowers and sachets of coffee, sugar and coffee whitener in tribute to Ianto being the Coffee Boy for Torchwood. I didn't have my camera with me to record the full impact of the fans dedication.
I just wonder what the new series of Torchwood hold for us? When it does air I am sure I will not be the only one glued to the TV.